Show me the money

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by Deepak Jayakar

It has been 22 years since the hit film Jerry Mcguire was released where we all learned the famous catch phrase, “show me the money!”. No doubt, money is probably the most important thing needed for survival, and to be wildly successful — when everything seems to be going in our favour, we still can’t seem to have enough money. Even when we do, it tends to finish up quickly. In this context, probably the most enticing aspect of Feng Shui’s popularity is related to its amazing impact on money luck.

Homes that have good Feng Shui find it easy to attracts health, wealth, success and happiness due to its set guidelines on energy flow which are simple yet powerful. Here are some important tips to help you attract more power and wealth:

Most importantly to make success and money the first thing you need is endless opportunities coming on your way. When you have consistent and growing cash flow income, you are most likely to enjoy financial freedom. Instead of money controlling you when you were constantly chasing after paying bills and debts, you are in control of money and your business, that is the first sign of success.

In any home, North is the sector you need to enhance or activate to have your dream business/career success and income luck.
Since the element ‘water’ rules the North sector, it is recommended to have an aquarium or some sort of water feature in the North area. If this is not possible, you may want to substitute with an image of a waterfall, dolphins jumping out of the water, or a picture of 9 fishes.
An ancient secret that also relates to Hindu mythology is to have a gold metal turtle in the North which signifies longevity and success to your business, and also protects you against competitors.
The most traditional way of activating your money luck is to have Kuber (Lord of Wealth), either in mandala format or a small statue, in the North – it has the power to free you from money worries and financial stress.
Avoid washrooms in the North sector which will flush your money and success down the drain.
Your business will experience excellent turnover when the North sector is activated.

The second most important area of your home is Southeast that deals with your wealth luck, assets and business growth.
The Southeast sector is controlled by the ‘wood’ element, so it is recommended to have bamboos displayed in this area. It’s an easycare plant that can survive any kind of light.
A running water feature is also a great activator of wealth luck — make sure it has an LED light as well.
A Feng Shui traditional enhancer is to have wealth vase or cash box in the Southeast.
To experience investment appreciation and profit increases, display a picture of a million dollars or Canadian mint coins plaque.
To invite auspiciousness and abundance, display a picture or statue of the wealth goddess Lakshmi.
Christmas trees can be the great wealth activator when placed in South East. Decorate it with gold, silver, green, red, and blue balls.
Last but not least, NEVER have clutter, shoes, garbage can, cutting instruments, dirty linen, or medicine in North and Southeast sectors to enjoy your money, wealth and success. When your home has auspicious feng shui, success, money and your reputation rise, and losses are kept to minimum.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Deepak is Canada’s most popular and sought-after designer and Feng Shui Master. With over 25 years of experience, his passion for design has allowed him transform projects into outstanding spaces.

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